Principle Investigator

Dr. Sina Ghaemi
Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Ph.D. Students

Bradley Gibeau
Bradley completed his BSc in 2016 and his MSc in 2018. His work focuses on the measurement, control, and fundamental investigation of turbulent flows.

Lucas Warwaruk
Lucas completed his undergraduate degree in 2018 at the University of Alberta and directly proceeded into the PhD program the subsequent year (2019). He is researching a passive drag reduction strategy known as rheological drag reduction.

Sen Wang
Sen is a PhD candidate, currently working on turbulent separated flow.
M.Sc. Students

Adrian Chen
Adrian is a MSc student who’s research focuses on analyzing the turbulent wake of a simplified vehicle model. He is especially interested in vehicle designs and aerospace, and eager to apply his unique knowledge to these fields.

Ali Fathizadeh
Ali recieved his BSc and MSc in Aerospace engineering from K. N. toosi university of technology and Sharif University of Technology, respectively. He joined LTF in 2020 and is investigating laminar to turbulence transition in non-Newtonian fluids.

Eric Sadoway
Eric is an MSc student conducting research in experimental aerodynamics and distributed propulsion. His main research interests are control systems and vehicle aerodynamics.

Findlay McCormick
Findlay is pursuing a Master’s degree with a focus on active flow control. His work has included developing novel actuator and measurement systems and using these systems in coordination to perform active flow control experimentation.

Ivy Friesen
Ivy is an MSc student co-supervised by Prof. Barczyk. She is developing a real-time particle image velocimetry system for flow control applications.

Jack Zheng
Jack is a MSc student who’s research project involves performing particle image velocimetry (PIV) in a heated channel flow environment. His top interests are aerospace and the natural world.

Satyajit Singh
Satyajit is a 2nd year MSc (Mechanical Engineering) student. He has experience in product designing and is interested in Fluid Dynamics and Aerodynamics.
Research Assistants

Daniel Kichma
Daniel is a 4th year mechanical engineering co-op student with interests in aerospace technologies and aerodynamics. He is currently working on performing wind-tunnel testing of drone propellers and PIV measurements on an aircraft wing.

Jacqueline Snider
Jacqueline is a 3rd year Undergraduate Mechanical Engineering student with a passion for aerospace and the applications of aerodynamics.

Joel Fenske
Joel is a 4th year mechanical engineering student. He is especially interested in fluid mechanics and mechanical design.

RJ Forgie
RJ is a co-op student heading into 4th year who loves to solve new problems. He is currently working on designing, building, and running tests on a coolant flow loop.

Adriaan Booysen (MSc 2021)
Thesis title: Large-scale tomographic PIV of cross-flow over Ahmed body

Bayode Owolabi (PDF 2020)

Prashant Das (PDF 2020)

Farzad Ahmadi (PhD 2020)
Thesis title: Experimental investigation of particle-flow interaction in turbulent channel flow

Wagih Abu Rowin (PhD 2019)
Thesis title: Experimental investigation of turbulent channel flow over superhydrophobic surfaces

Austin Ma (MSc 2019)
Thesis title: Turbulent boundary layer separation due to adverse pressure gradient

Mohammad Mohammadtabar (PhD 2019)
Thesis title: Mechanism of drag reduction using Xanthan gum bio-polymer

Rafat Jami (MSc 2019)
Thesis title: Wear measurement in polymeric slurry flows

Brad Gibeau (MSc 2018)
Thesis title: Analysis and control of vortex shedding from a blunt trailing edge

Daren Wilkinson (MSc 2018)
Thesis title: Patterned nanostructured surfaces for drag reduction in laminar regime

Sen Wang (MSc 2018)
Thesis title: Tomographic particle image velocimetry in the wake of vortex generators

Drew Gingras (MSc 2018)
Thesis title: Experimental investigation of the rear-body aerodynamics of a helicopter fuselage

David Serrano (MSc 2018)
Thesis title: Wind Tunnel Investigation of the Effect of Duct and Cross-flow on Small Propellers for Unmanned Aerial vehicles

Sadek Shaban (MSc 2018)
Thesis title: Experimental investigation of drag reduction by polymer additives in a turbulent channel flow

Desiree Reholon Inojosa (MSc 2018)
Thesis title: Application of passive drag reduction techniques on a scaled-down underwater vehicle

Mohammad Elyasi (MSc 2017)
Thesis title: Unsteady characteristics of three-dimensional turbulent flow with separation in an asymmetric diffuser

Jianfeng Hou (MSc 2016)
Thesis title: Particle image velocimetry/ tracking in turbulent flow over riblet surfaces with superhydrophobic coating

Doszhan Mamedulanov (MSc 2016)
Thesis title: Measurement of liquid film thickness during upward annular air-water flow in vertical pipe using planar laser-induced fluorescence technique

Babak Vajdi Hokmabad (MSc 2015)
Thesis title: Turbulent Flow over a superhydrophobic surface with isotropic slip